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- President Mobutu Sese Seko has dominated an authoritarian
- governmental system since seizing power in a 1965 military
- coup. Under the pressure of economic crisis and domestic
- unrest, Mobutu in 1990 announced a "transition to democracy."
- Four years later, it remains far from complete. A National
- Conference (CNS) investigated official wrongdoing, drafted a
- new Constitution, and selected Etienne Tshisekedi Wa Mulumba,
- Mobutu's most implacable political foe, as Prime Minister.
- Denouncing the authority and decisions of the CNS, Mobutu
- dismissed Tshisekedi in 1993 and appointed a defector from
- Tshisekedi's own Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS)
- Party, Faustin Birindwa, as Prime Minister. Refusing to
- recognize Mobutu's authority to remove him, Tshisekedi presided
- over a parallel set of governmental institutions until June,
- while most of the basic functions of government came to a halt.
- In mid-1994 Mobutu's political allies and opposition leaders
- finally negotiated an end to the political impasse and
- established a transition Parliament (the HCR-PT) which elected
- the opposition Union of Independent Democrats's Kengo Wa Dondo
- as transition Prime Minister. Under the agreement, ministerial
- positions are divided equally between Mobutu supporters and the
- opposition. The UDPS and some smaller opposition groups
- continue to insist on Tshisekedi's legitimacy and refuse to
- accept Kengo's election or the portfolios reserved for them.
- President Mobutu generally retained control of his carefully
- built overlapping security forces, a crucial factor in the
- transitional process. The President's brother-in-law, General
- Baramoto Kpama Kpata, heads the Civil Guard, while Mobutu's
- ethnic kinsman General Nzimbi Ngbale heads the Special
- Presidential Division (DSP). The regular armed forces, which
- include the Gendarmerie, are poorly trained, poorly
- disciplined, and not effective as an internal or external
- security service. Moreover, members of the security forces,
- unpaid for months on end, frequently prey on civilians. There
- was one instance of large-scale armed forces pillaging, in the
- town of Mbanza-Ngungu. Members of the armed forces have also
- been implicated in numerous cases of small-scale armed robbery,
- extortion, and pillage.
- The economy is based on subsistence agriculture, with little of
- the hard currency revenue traditionally generated by the mining
- and minerals industry, itself now crippled by deteriorating
- infrastructure and lack of new investment. Diamond exports--
- much of them from outside regulated channels--are now the
- mainstay of the country's hard currency revenues. As the
- economy contracted, public employees went unpaid for months at
- a time, and corruption, blackmail, extortion, and embezzlement
- became endemic. At year's end, the Kengo Government was still
- struggling to wrest control of the Central Bank from Mobutu,
- and to halt an influx of illegally printed currency that pushed
- the annual inflation rate to 7,800 percent. Zaire has had no
- government budget since 1992.
- Both the security forces and the military continued to commit
- widespread abuses, including extrajudicial killings and
- infringement upon individual rights in the continuing
- disintegration of state authority. The security forces
- continued to threaten, torture, and illegally detain officials
- and others. Some political demonstrations proceeded
- unhindered, but police disrupted others with threats, arrests,
- beatings, and detentions. The present Government jailed and
- prosecuted only a few soldiers and no officials for human
- rights abuses. Provincial officials continued to incite ethnic
- strife leading to massive displacement and deaths in Shaba,
- although on a smaller scale than the unprecedented violence in
- 1993. The central Government tolerated it until August, when
- the Prime Minister traveled to the area and publicly
- reprimanded the Shaba governor. The military and vigilantes
- frequently committed acts of violence, usually with impunity.
- Prison conditions, already life-threatening, deteriorated
- further, although the Government did release sick prisoners.
- Section 1 Respect for the Integrity of the Person, Including
- Freedom from:
- a. Political and Other Extrajudicial Killing
- The undisciplined security forces committed numerous
- extrajudicial killings; in some cases these were linked to
- personal rivalries. With only token wages--often none--for
- months at a time, many soldiers and gendarmes resorted to
- robbery and extortion, sometimes killing their victims or
- bystanders. Human rights observers, the press and eyewitnesses
- reported several dozen such fatal altercations, many committed
- by uniformed personnel. It is highly likely that additional
- incidents went unreported, especially in Zaire's remote
- interior. In January security forces shot and killed a
- Kinshasa currency vendor, and a soldier beat a taxi driver to
- death; the soldier was tried and imprisoned. In October a
- military tribunal sentenced a warrant officer and several
- enlisted troops to jail for killing a Goma businessman.
- However, the Government neither investigated nor punished the
- perpetrators in most cases, hindering efforts to determine the
- number of killings and the extent of the security forces'
- involvement. In several cases, poorly trained soldiers put
- down disturbances using lethal force.
- In April elite security forces put down armed mutiny in
- Mbanza-Ngungu and reportedly killed suspected looters. Human
- rights monitors reported that a series of confrontations
- between security forces and local residents left at least two
- civilians, a gendarme, and a soldier dead in Bukavu during
- several days of intermittent rioting in January. The
- disturbances began when gendarmes investigating a looting
- entered a home and wounded a resident; a crowd of civilians
- then beat one of the gendarmes to death. Over the next several
- days, security forces and others looted homes and businesses,
- wounded more people, and killed a security guard. Two days
- after the original altercation, a Civil Guard killed a vendor,
- and civilian bystanders in turn killed him. Credible
- eyewitnesses have refuted earlier reports that security forces
- killed three bystanders in June when authorities arrested
- opposition leader Lambert Mende at a rally in Mbuji Mayi.
- There were no known cases in which security forces deliberately
- targeted political opponents or others for summary execution.
- In a killing that may have had political overtones, journalist
- Pierre Kabeya of Kin Matin was reportedly abducted, then shot
- to death in June. However, the motives and the perpetrators of
- the killing remain unknown. In a November case that remains
- unresolved, journalist Adolphe Kavula of the newspaper Nsemo
- was found semiconscious, several days after he disappeared from
- his Kinshasa home and died shortly after. The Kengo Government
- investigation found no evidence of foul play, but several human
- rights monitors believe security forces abducted, then fatally
- wounded Mr. Kavula.
- b. Disappearance
- There were several reports of disappearances; however, given
- the administrative breakdown throughout the country, some of
- these incidents may be cases of criminal kidnaping rather than
- politically motivated disappearances. Although security forces
- frequently hold detainees incommunicado or in secret jails,
- they typically do not attempt to conceal the fact of detention
- (see Section 1.d.). There were scattered reports of abductions
- in which unidentified assailants detained, threatened, and
- sometimes beat journalists or opposition politicians before
- releasing them. In one such abduction, apparently linked to
- the Union of Independent Republicans (UFERI) Party's campaign
- of ethnic intimidation in Shaba province, assailants believed
- to be members of the UFERI Youth Wing (JUFERI) demanded that a
- public administrator give up his job in favor of a native of
- Shaba. In most abduction cases, a political motive is not
- apparent.
- c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
- Treatment or Punishment
- Although the law forbids torture, security forces regularly
- ignore this prohibition. The use of torture is widespread, and
- the authorities, including the judiciary, rarely investigate
- claims of torture. Security personnel frequently beat
- prisoners in the process of arresting or interrogating them.
- There were numerous reports that prisoners, including political
- opponents of the Mobutu regime, were struck, burned, or
- suspended upside down for long periods of time.
- The press and human rights groups reported that undisciplined
- and often unpaid security forces routinely resorted to robbery,
- carjacking, extortion, and random acts of violence against
- ordinary citizens. Numerous reports from human rights monitors
- and the press describe cases in which criminals believed to
- belong to the security forces beat, raped, or threatened their
- victims before stealing from them. Top military officials have
- informed their troops that they will prosecute such abuses in
- military courts; in some cases, they did so. For example,
- officials discharged 30 soldiers, tried them as civilians, and
- jailed them for their participation in the looting of
- Mbanza-Ngungu in April (see Section 1.a.); military courts
- convicted 3 of a 1993 pillage of a private residence in
- Kinshasa, and convicted 2 others of the abduction, rape, and
- beating of a civilian couple. Many more such cases, however,
- are neither investigated nor punished. Prime Minister Kengo
- failed to implement his promise to disarm all security force
- members whose jobs did not require weapons for their current
- duties.
- Conditions in most of Zaire's 220 prisons and places of
- detention remain life-threatening. Human rights groups
- recorded two deaths from malnutrition in Kinshasa's Makala
- central prison in May, and six deaths in the Kananga prison in
- May and June. During the first half of the year, the central
- Government all but ceased to provide prisons with operating
- funds; consequently, virtually the only food and medical care
- was that provided sporadically by relatives and private
- charities. Tuberculosis and other infectious diseases are
- rampant. Inmates in Makala sleep on the floor and have no
- access to sanitation, potable water, or adequate health care.
- Numerous reports on prisons in the interior suggest these
- conditions are both typical and widespread. Prime Minister
- Kengo's Justice Ministry publicly deplored prison conditions
- and appealed for international assistance but has made no
- concrete improvements. However, in August Justice Minister
- Kamanda released 48 ill and malnourished prisoners. Abuse of
- prisoners is common. In November, at the end of a fact-finding
- tour, the U.N. Special Rapporteur for Human Rights Roberto
- Garreton emphasized the problem of prison conditions, noting he
- had witnessed evidence of abuse, including torture.
- The Zairian Prison Fellowship, religious organizations and the
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) report that
- they have regular access to prisons nationwide. In some cases,
- however, the Government's unpublicized creation of new
- unofficial detention sites circumvents their access. Measures
- taken to separate men, women, and juvenile prisoners are often
- inadequate. Authorities have not targeted women for abuse,
- although rape sometimes occurs.
- d. Arbitrary Arrest, Detention, or Exile
- Under Zairian law, serious offenses, punishable by more than
- 6-months imprisonment, do not require a warrant for the arrest
- of a suspect. Any law enforcement officer having the status of
- "judicial police officer" is empowered to authorize arrest.
- This status is also vested in senior officers of each of the
- security services. The law provides that detainees be brought
- before a magistrate for a hearing within 48 hours of arrest.
- If grounds for arrest are presented, the magistrate may order
- detention for an initial period of 15 days, followed by
- renewable 30-day periods.
- In practice, the Government uses arbitrary arrests to
- intimidate political opponents. Political arrests increased
- during periods of heightened opposition activism, either in
- connection with general strikes, demonstrations, or the
- politicized atmosphere surrounding the June 14 election of
- Prime Minister Kengo. Authorities rarely file charges,
- obscuring the precise motive for political arrests. Typically,
- police detain such prisoners for several days or weeks, then
- grant provisional liberty without arraignment.
- Political prisoners and others are often detained
- incommunicado, with irregular or no access to legal counsel.
- Human rights monitors report cases in which corrupt local
- officials use detention as a means of extortion, arresting
- people on fabricated charges, only releasing them after a
- payment of a "fine." Human rights monitors estimate that
- police detained and questioned a half-dozen people about
- opposition-sponsored general strikes. For example, police
- arrested two opposition leaders after general strikes, Pierre
- Mankwamya in January and Olenga Nkoy in May. They detained
- both for several weeks, questioned them about the organization
- of the strikes, and released them without formal hearings. In
- another case with political overtones, authorities arrested
- UDPS leader Leon Kadima Muntutu on July 5, questioned him about
- illegal currency exchanges, then released him over 2 months
- later without charge.
- It is difficult to estimate the number of political detainees
- due to detention in clandestine and remote locations and
- military facilities. In mid-August, the Kengo Government
- reported that virtually all prisoners were detained "for
- cause," and that none was being held for purely political
- reasons.
- Security forces detained opposition leaders, sometimes very
- briefly, in an apparent effort to halt or head off political
- demonstrations. Security forces arrested up to 80 people when
- they broke up a January demonstration by the Lumumbist Palu
- Party. They released most detainees within hours, but held
- eight Palu leaders for several days.
- Police detained Lambert Mende, a spokesman for the opposition
- Holy Union, for several hours when he tried to address a rally
- in Mbuji Mayi in June; on August 16, police detained three
- opposition labor leaders, Enos Bavela, Benjamin Mukulungu, and
- Kibaswa Kwabene, for most of the day when they attempted to
- organize a demonstration in Kinshasa.
- In an incident that still remains unexplained, police detained
- former Prime Minister and chief of the radical opposition
- Etienne Tshisekedi on June 12 when he went on or near a
- military base. They released Tshisekedi himself hours later
- without charge but kept three bodyguards and a driver who were
- arrested with him in custody for 2 months without charge.
- Seventy percent of the inmates of Makala prison were officially
- awaiting trial. Human rights and religious organizations
- suggest the problem is at least this severe elsewhere, with as
- many as 80 percent of inmates awaiting trial in some prisons in
- the interior.
- The Transition Act of 1994 specifically forbids exile, and
- there were no known cases.
- e. Denial of Fair Public Trial
- Despite constitutional provisions, the judiciary is not
- independent of the executive branch, and the executive branch
- often manipulates it. Zaire's civil and criminal codes are
- based on Belgian and customary law. The legal system includes
- lower courts, appellate courts, the Supreme Court, and the
- Court of State Security. Adherence to acceptable legal
- procedures varies considerably. Charges of misconduct against
- senior government officials must be filed directly with the
- Supreme Court. Corruption is pervasive, particularly among
- magistrates who are poorly paid and poorly trained. The
- judicial system is further hobbled by shortages of personnel,
- essential supplies, and intimidation of justices. There is a
- system of separate military tribunals with an appeals structure
- that parallels that of civilian courts. Decisions from the
- military tribunals may be appealed to the Supreme Court.
- The Transition Act provides for the right to a speedy public
- trial, the presumption of innocence, and legal counsel at all
- stages of proceedings. Defendants have the right to appeal in
- all cases except those involving national security, armed
- robbery, and smuggling, which are adjudicated by the Court of
- State Security. The law provides for court-appointed counsel
- at state expense in capital cases, in all proceedings before
- the Supreme Court, and in other cases when requested by a
- court. In practice, the authorities frequently ignore these
- protections. Many defendants never meet their counsel or do so
- only after months of detention and interrogation. The
- judiciary ceased to function for several months when judicial
- workers struck to protest the nonpayment of public employees.
- Most cases are heard only when defendant and plaintiff pay all
- court costs, including salaries, a situation which encourages
- corruption.
- f. Arbitrary Interference with Privacy, Family, Home, or
- Correspondence
- Security forces routinely ignore the Constitution's provision
- for the inviolability of the home and of private
- correspondence. They ignore the requirement for a search
- warrant, entering and searching homes at will. Under the
- pretext of searching for arms, troops entered and looted the
- home of a leader of the radical opposition in Kinshasa; troops
- also looted the home of an urban commissar in Kolwezi. Human
- rights monitors and the press report numerous other instances
- in which gangs believed to be security forces entered and
- looted private homes, sometimes abusing or threatening the
- residents. In many of these cases, simple robbery, rather than
- political intimidation, appeared to be the motive. Citizens
- widely assume that the Government monitors mail and telephone
- communications.
- g. Use of Excessive Force and Violations of Humanitarian
- Law in Internal Conflicts
- Regional government officials continued to provoke ethnic
- clashes in Shaba province and to expel inhabitants originally
- from the neighboring provinces of Eastern and Western Kasai,
- many of whom have lived in Shaba for several generations.
- Throughout most of the year, provincial Governor Gabriel Kyungu
- Wa Kumwanza continued to publicly blame Shaba's economic
- problems on the Kasaians. On several occasions, militant
- members of Kyungu's UFERI party blocked entry to Kasaian Lubas
- at their places of employment, blocked Kasaian farmers from
- working in their fields, and in general impeded passage of
- non-Shabans. These attacks began to decline in mid-1994,
- especially after Prime Minister Kengo's August visit to Shaba,
- when he publicly reprimanded Kyungu for persecuting the
- Kasaians. As a result of intimidation and the violent clashes
- of previous years, Kasaians continued to leave Shaba province.
- Most of them are thought to have returned to impoverished
- farming communities in Eastern Kasai, although many remain
- crowded into certain towns in northern Shaba, where they depend
- on international assistance for survival.
- Other political rivalries touched off sporadic incidents of
- violence. In July a group of UDPS supporters, who are
- frequently found in the street in front of opposition leader
- Tshisekedi's residence, seized three uniformed soldiers and
- beat them severely. Subsequently, a larger group of soldiers
- arrived and beat several UDPS supporters and bystanders in
- retaliation. During the ensuing melee, shots were fired,
- several people were hurt, Tshisekedi's home was damaged and
- some of his possessions looted.
- Section 2 Respect for Civil Liberties, Including:
- a. Freedom of Speech and Press
- The Constitution and the Transition Act provide for the right
- to express opinion, but the Government restricts this right.
- In practice, the press and public discussion are freer than
- before President Mobutu ended the one-party state. During the
- latter half of the year, for example, opposition leaders have
- significantly increased their presence on the airwaves.
- Nonetheless, sporadic local attempts at control and
- intimidation frequently occur. Newspaper publishers are
- required to deposit copies of each issue with the Ministry of
- Information prior to publication. An ambiguous ordinance on
- "press freedom" which fails to define "freedom of the press"
- also serves to promote self-censorship and intimidate
- journalists, as does outright intimidation and violence. For
- example, security forces abducted, threatened, beat, and
- detained journalists before releasing them (see Section 2.b.).
- Human rights monitors reported cases of outright intimidation.
- Security forces searched and ransacked the Kinshasa offices of
- L'Analyst, forcing employees to vacate the premises. They also
- jailed a journalist for Le Point du Zaire for denouncing the
- embezzlement of humanitarian assistance by President Mobutu's
- Popular Movement for the Revolution (MPR) Party chairman.
- Several other journalists and editors in the print media
- claimed security forces threatened them, subjected them to
- obvious surveillance, or summoned them for interrogation. The
- editor of L'Essor Africain went into hiding when he received
- such a summons. The editor of La Reference Plus obeyed his
- summons; security forces subsequently questioned him for
- several hours.
- In May a court sentenced a printer to 4 months' imprisonment
- for distribution of leaflets calling for a general strike.
- In January Shaba provincial governor Kyungu suspended the
- Lubumbashi newspaper Mukuba for an article deemed "seditious,"
- and he also suspended Taifa editor Crispin Luamba for "being a
- nonnative." One month later, the Government fined Le Soft for
- its article on the Information Minister's embezzlement of
- funds. In an ongoing case, the Government ordered Solidarite
- to divulge its sources for an article threatening the pillage
- of local churches.
- On occasion, the Government or security forces interfered with
- the distribution of newspapers. In April elements of the
- Military Action and Research Service seized and burned
- newspapers sold by small vendors in Kinshasa. The governor of
- Maniema ordered a man arrested and detained for a month for
- bringing "opposition" newspapers from Kinshasa into the
- province.
- The Kengo Government allowed many foreign journalists to report
- throughout the year. However, in March the Birindwa government
- investigated and expelled a Belgian documentary cinema producer.
- Although numerous newspapers are published in Kinshasa, their
- impact largely remains confined to the capital and a few major
- cities. Only the government-controlled radio and, to a much
- lesser extent, television, reach mass audiences. The Zairian
- Radio and Television Office fired 9 of the 12 reporters in the
- broadcast media whom it had suspended the previous year,
- apparently for excessive independence in reporting.
- The Government generally respects discussion within the
- university community but restricts the right to publish.
- b. Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association
- The right of the people to assemble peacefully has never been
- firmly established. The Government requires all organizers of
- public meetings to apply for a permit. In February the
- governor of Kinshasa issued an additional decree arbitrarily
- forbidding all political demonstrations while the Parliament is
- in session; the decree still stands.
- Security forces repressed several political demonstrations,
- some of them violently. In January they broke up a
- demonstration by the Lumumbist party Palu, beating the
- participants and arresting several dozen persons. They
- released many of the participants within hours but detained
- eight for several days. They also disrupted two other Palu
- demonstrations, in January and in May, in similar fashion.
- At times, the Government tried to prevent demonstrations by
- denying permission or arresting the groups' leaders. The
- Government denied permission to the pro-Tshisekedi UDPS to
- demonstrate in February and in May. A human rights monitor
- reported that security forces arrested a UDPS supporter when he
- tried to organize a demonstration. In August security forces
- arrested three leaders of the UDPS-oriented CDT Union
- Confederation who were attempting to lead a small demonstration
- of public functionaries. The security forces detained the
- union leaders for several hours, until the Justice Ministry
- ordered their release. The UDPS did, however, hold a major
- rally in June without incident, in sharp contrast to a rally
- that the Government violently repressed in 1993.
- c. Freedom of Religion
- There is no legally favored church or religion, but the
- Transition Act and the Constitution previously in effect limit
- religious freedom by authorizing the Government to regulate
- religious sects.
- The 1971 law regulating religious organizations grants civil
- servants the power to establish or dissolve religious groups.
- This law restricted the process for official recognition;
- however, officially recognized religions are free to establish
- places of worship and to train clergy. Most recognized
- churches have external ties, and foreign nationals are allowed
- to proselytize. The Government generally does not interfere
- with foreign missionaries.
- There has been no further known persecution of the Jehovah's
- Witnesses. However, the Supreme Court in 1993 ordered the
- Kengo Government to pay damages to the church because the
- Mobutu government had banned it in 1986 as a danger to the
- national interest. The Government has reportedly not yet paid
- these damages.
- d. Freedom of Movement Within the Country, Foreign
- Travel, Emigration, and Repatriation
- The Government restricts freedom of movement. All citizens,
- refugees and permanent residents must carry identity cards.
- Police and soldiers erect checkpoints on major roads to inspect
- papers. Security forces frequently use such inspections to
- extort money from travelers at airports, ferry ports and
- roadblocks. In July a decree by Prime Minister Kengo banned
- such roadblocks. Subsequent reporting indicates that, while
- there have been sporadic improvements in some areas, many
- roadblocks remain, particularly in remote areas of the interior.
- Passports and exit permits are available, in principle, to all
- citizens, often at exorbitant cost from corrupt officials.
- There continue to be sporadic cases in which security forces
- harass human rights monitors and opposition politicians who
- attempt to leave the country. In some of these cases security
- forces confiscated travel documents or other papers, forcing
- people to delay their travel.
- Zaire was the destination of one of the largest refugee
- movements in history, when over 1 million Rwandans poured into
- the eastern border towns of Goma and Bukavu in a 5-day period.
- The influx quickly overwhelmed the Government's material and
- administrative resources and created security concerns of
- alarming proportions. Undisciplined Zairian security forces
- robbed and extorted goods from refugees and relief agencies.
- Further complicating the security situation, the ranks of the
- refugees included an estimated 33,000 retreating Rwandan troops
- and an unknown number of militiamen. While the armed forces
- confiscated many weapons at the border crossing, weapons were
- smuggled through checkpoints and across remote border areas,
- contributing to insecurity in the camps. At year's end, former
- Rwandan military and government officials still controlled most
- of the refugee camps. They intimidated both the refugees who
- wished to return home and relief workers. Citing concerns for
- their security and that of the refugees, numerous relief
- organizations threatened to halt operations in the camps,
- unless an international security force was established there.
- By year's end, at least one, Medecins Sans Frontieres/France,
- had shut down operations in the camps for security reasons.
- The Zairian Government has sought assistance from the
- international community in providing security for the camps.
- The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- estimates that 1.1 million Rwandan refugees remain in Zaire.
- Early in 1994, only 40,000 Burundian refugees remained of some
- 90,000 who had fled 1993 fighting, but continued instability in
- Burundi caused additional Burundians to enter, increasing the
- Burundian population to 125,000. Many of the newly arrived
- Burundian refugees live in camps, and virtually all depend on
- assistance from international agencies and nongovernmental
- organizations (NGO's). Zaire also hosts stable refugee
- populations of Angolans, Sudanese, Ugandans, and others. In
- November, in an action protested by the UNHCR, Zaire forcibly
- repatriated 37 Rwandan refugees who were accused of committing
- crimes in Zaire.